Feel The Music

I was cruising the Internets this morning looking for a pair of portable headphones. And I discovered a couple of things. Apparently a common Google question is, "Can I use my headphones for a microphone?" Apparently you can. You can also use pliers for a hammer and you can employ Microsoft Surface as a cutting board if you wish, but would you? 

I then looked for "May I use my headphones for a microphone?" and found nothing. The discourtesy of this younger generation continues to disturb.

The second thing I discovered was even more ephemeral, but you're reading Mr Trivia's Tract, not Mr Crucial's Manifesto and this kind of nonsense is why we are here. I saw a pair of clip-on 'over-ear' headphones and wondered if they were any better than the last time I tried them about ten years ago.

There followed the fairly nonsensical 3 am thought - I wonder if I can find a picture of someone using a pair of clip on headphones and looking as though they're enjoying the experience? Ridiculous. 

I Googled "Wearing Clip On Headphones" and got nothing useful. But I did note a strange pattern emerging on the first page of hits. There were many stock photos of women with headphones and they all seemed to suggest that enhancing the enjoyment of the private listening experience requires one to hold a hand, or even better both hands, to the speaker portion of the headphone. This gesture appears to indicate, "I am so into the music–or this Ira Glass podcast–that I have to physically touch the magic little sound shells from where the gods speaketh and singeth". 

Or maybe the guys down at Shutterstock.com (over 20 million stock photos, illustrations, vectors, and videos) where it turns out all the pictures come from, just have a fetish for ladies touching their headphones. I suspect we will never find out.

Mr Trivia


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