Hey Zeitgeisters, I know it felt like I left - and that's because I had. But after what only amounted to some weeks of absence I have returned to my blogspot 'blog - my first - my favourite - Mr Trivia's Tract . I attempted to reduce my 'blog footprint, but unfortunately it wasn't to be. Like an irritating house guest who has spread his belongings and knick-knacks all over your formerly well-ordered home, my messy self is here to stay. What's with the above not-very-interesting picture at the top of this entry? That's for my buddy Phil Jeng Kane's Tumblr. This is his workaround in order that he can have both an "image and text in a text post" whatever that means. Why he attempts to keep up with the teenagers on Tumblr I'm sure I don't know. Anyhoo, keep watching this space, I will be back sooner than you think, my friend. Mr Trivia P.S. Note to self: Apparently old school Tumblr had a problem with uploading an image straight ...